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Kim Barnes Coaching

I’m an experienced communications coach and consultant, with 17 years’ experience of working with leaders and teams in the UK, Europe, US, and China.


I specialise in financial and professional services, and have longstanding relationships with property, tech and health sector clients.


I began my coaching career in 2006, starting at Brunswick Group, and then setting my own company up in 2015.


Before that, I was a reporter for over 20 years, reporting on national and international stories for the BBC, ITN, Associated Press TV, and regional TV and radio news in the UK.

Book Club

Here are some of the books that have informed my coaching, and that I recommend to my clients.

Click each title to read my review.

Presence, Amy Cuddy

Psyched Up, Daniel McGinn

Do I Make Myself Clear, Harold Evans

Quiet, Susan Cain

Thinking Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman

The Naked Presenter, Garr Reynolds

If I understood you, would I have this look on my face?, Alan Alda

How Confidence Works, Ian Robertson

Helping People Change, Richard Boyatzis

The First 90 Days, Michael Watkins

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